507, BDA Complex Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal-
+0755 2767785
Krishi Manthan is organized to integrate opportunities and knowledge with FPOs/ FPCs and SHGs. It aims to enhance the sustainability of their business operations and promote sustained livelihood around them through the commercialization of their products, services, and activities. It is a platform to explore innovative business models and value chain linkages with Startups, Agribusiness Companies, Research Institutions, CSR, Post-Harvest Operators, Food Processing Companies, Ayurveda Institutions, Nature Care Companies, Financial Institutions, Retailers, Exporters, Service Providers, etc. Krishi Manthan is an objective-based, organized, and managed B2B Agribusiness Summit designed for innovations, business linkages, and knowledge transfer to the participating individuals and organizations.
Connecting FPO with other FPOs to promote inter-FPO business.
Integrating the value chain of Agri-Startups and Agri-Business Organizations with FPOs.
Sharing innovative business models, practices, and knowledge with FPOs.
The excellence in Agriculture, Agri-Business, Support Providers, etc. are recognized and awarded with Krishi Bhushan Awards. These are National Level awards conferred in recognition of the excellence in agriculture, agribusiness and food processing sectors. The meritorious efforts of Farmers, Farmer Organizations (FPOs/FPCs), Support Institutions, Academia, Government Organizations, Agri-Startups and Experts are evaluated by a panel of experts based on the information submitted by the nominee and information gathered by the panel from various sources.
FPO Mitra (Individual)
FPO Mitra (Organisational)
FPO Sustainability Ambassadors
Innovative Business Models For FPO
ACFPCL organize Seminars / Workshops in agriculture disseminating knowledge, promoting research, and facilitating discussions on various topics within the agricultural sector. These seminars bring together farmers, researchers, policymakers, and industry experts to share insights, innovations, and best practices.
Agribusiness and Marketing Seminars
Farm Technology and Mechanization Seminars
Soil Health and Conservation Seminars
Horticulture and Specialty Crop Seminars
Food Safety and Quality Control Seminars
Livestock and Animal Husbandry Seminars
ACFPCL is working on a mission of FPO (Farmers Producer Company) sustainability in the state of Madhya Pradesh. To achieve this, we are regularly conducting programs for connecting the FPOs with the market, knowledge, technologies, and innovations. We are organizing brainstorming session (FPO Vyapar Manthan) with FPOs of Madhya Pradesh. A few FPOs of other states are also participating for initiating FPO-2-FPO collaborations. During these sessions(Dialogue), we are going to brainstorm on the business potentials of each FPO, Strategy with a roadmap to nurture the potentials, requirements of Common Marketing and Branding, business-tuned skilling and exposure, etc. This program provides collaboration and long-term business opportunities to organizations engaged in Agriculture, Agribusiness, Food Processing, contract farming, trading, Ayurveda, Rural Services, testing, certification, packaging, retailing, logistics, branding, Livelihoods, equipment and machinery, social intervention (CSR), etc.