507, BDA Complex Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal-
+0755 2767785
ACFPCL ( Asian Consortium of Farmers Producer Company Limited) is a company registered under sub-section (2) of section 7 of the companies act, 2013. ACFPCL is a consortium having an objective of pooling resources, expertise, or efforts to Converting farmers and farmers organization into a complete and safe food provider direct to consumers rather just remaining as producers of raw materials only.
ACFPCL is primarily engaged in the incubation, promotion, commercialization, and sustainability of FPOs/SHGs/Co-operatives on farm and non-farm activities. It involves various players like livelihood-based community organizations (CBOs), enterprises, and startups working for the Bottom of Pyramid (BoP) masses,such as Self-Help Groups (SHGs), Farmers Producer Organisations / Companies (FPOs/FPCs), Cooperative societies, Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) etc. and their federations.
ACFPCL prime objective is to create an end to end facilitation platform to farmers & farmer organization to work on sustained business model for knowledge sharing, production, procurement, processing, storage, marketing and trading of all agricultural & non agriculture produce, products & services.
We work in the domains where there is immense potential for developing self-employment for sustainable livelihood for the BoP masses, such as Agriculture, food processing, forestry, Healthcare, technology, IT/ICT, Education, etc.
Having an experience of more than 15years in the field of Agriculture.
Ex-Advisor in the Agriculture Ministry of Madhya Pradesh.
Handle various Govt. projects related to the Agriculture.
Currently engaged in formation/training/Incubation of Farmers Producer Organisations (FPOs) in India.